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Trasporto gratuito a partire da 120 €
Alión 2020 (Doble Magnum)


2020 (Doble Magnum)
3 L


/ bott. 3 L
  • Consegna in 4-7 giorni
    Trasporto gratuito a partire da 120 €
  • Assicurazione inclusa e garanzia sui resi
  • 4.76/5 Valutazione di Trusted Shops

Scheda tecnica

TipoVino rosso
AllergeniContiene solfiti
Gradazione alcolicai14,5%
Produzione284.284 bottiglie

Il vino

Alión è un grande Ribera del Duero: opulento, ricco e complesso, elaborato da una delle più illustri cantine spagnole, Vega Sicilia. La personalità di questo vino si fece apprezzare sin dalla prima vendemmia, quando Alión entrò a gran merito nella Top 100 Wines di Wine Spectator.

Alión è un Tempranillo della tradizione interpretato in chiave moderna dall' enologo Xavier Ausàs. È il prodotto di una vinificazione attenta, tesa ad esaltare le caratteristiche del terreno; particolare cura è inoltre riservata al processo di maturazione che ha luogo per 18 mesi in barriques nuove di rovere francese e per altri 18 mesi in vetro. Un lungo riposo, indispensabile affinchè vi sia una perfetta integrazione tra frutto e legno, caratteristica imprescindibile per un vino di sublime eleganza. Un vino di classe.

Che sapore ha questo vino?

Rosso ciliegia
Piccoli frutti rossi / Spezie / Legni nobili
Elegante / Opulento / Lungo

Consumo e conservazione

Servire tra 16 ºC e 18 ºC


Legumi bolliti / Agnello da latte

Punteggio e premi

202196 PK
202095 PK
201994 PK95 SK
201895+ PK
201794 PK
201695 PK
PK: ParkerSK: Suckling

Il giudizio degli espertiI recensioni di Parker, Parker e Parker

The 2019 Alión was cropped from a drier vintage compared with the average, and the wines from that year tend to be powerful, concentrated and with structure. They shortened the maceration by 11 days and used concrete for part of the élevage, trying to reduce the impact from the oak in the wine. They define 2019 as a powerful, concentrated and juicy vintage, sensual and unctuous. The wine is ripe at 15% alcohol and has mellow acidity (4.4 grams) and a pH of 3.88, reflecting the warm and dry year that delivered powerful and concentrated wines, similar to the wines from 2015. It's quite fruit-driven, ripe and juicy, with abundant, slightly dusty tannins despite the limited pumping over they did to avoid extracting too much, and the maceration was also shortened. 256,526 bottles, 7,005 magnums and some larger formats produced. It was bottled in June 2021.

— Luis Gutiérrez (31/1/2023)Robert Parker Wine Advocate Annata 2019 - 94 PARKER

2020 was drier than average until the harvest, when it rained and diluted the grapes, and they had to wait to regain concentration. The result is that the 2020 Alión is a wine with better balance and freshness. They felt the skins were very ripe and they could extract more and use a little more American oak (4%) in the élevage. From 2019, they kept the press wine separate until June, and they keep separate quantities of press wines that are aged in different containers depending on the quality of the wine. They used a percentage of concrete and oak vats for the élevage, which gives the wine more verticality and freshness. It's a subtle and elegant Alión, not as dense as some other vintages, but with nice balance and very elegant tannins. In 2020, they produced 285,485 bottles of this wine, 7,115 magnums and some larger formats. It was bottled in May 2022.

— Luis Gutiérrez (13/6/2024)Robert Parker Wine Advocate Annata 2020 - 95 PARKER

The vintage released in 2025 is the 2021 Alión, a year to remember, one of the best in recent times; it was relaxed and textbook in all senses, with snow in the beginning of the year, a mild spring disturbed only by frost in Pesquera that didn't affect other villages, a relatively cool summer that slowed things down, and the grapes ripened to perfection without rain after September. They used grapes from 13 different villages throughout the Ribera del Duero, 130 hectares. The grapes are cooled down for 24 hours, and once destemmed, they are put in the oak and stainless steel vats, where they undergo a five-day cold soak and then native fermentation through a "pied de cuve." It has 14.5% alcohol, a pH of 3.81 and 4.8 grams of acidity (tartaric). It's very fresh and fruit-driven, with the balance and elegance of the cooler years, a little austere, with very elegant and polished tannins and a different quality, when the grapes ripen slowly. They believe 2024 has the potential to be like 2021, after the 2022 and 2023 vintages were a lot more challenging. This is a large production of 244,244 bottles, 7,075 magnums and some larger formats. It was bottled in June 2023.

— Luis Gutiérrez (2/1/2025)Robert Parker Wine Advocate Annata 2021 - 96 PARKER

Recensioni dei nostri clienti

14 recensioni

Cantina e produzione

Periodo di affinamento14 mesi
Età delle barriqueNuove
Tipo di legnoRovere francese


Età della vignaTra 25 e 35 anni
Superficie130,00 ettari


Bodegas y Viñedos Alión

Bodegas y Viñedos Alión

Fondata nel 1991 da Vega Sicilia , Bodegas Alión ha lanciato la sua prima annata sul mercato tra aspettative ineguagliabili. Non è stato per meno, è stata un'operazione forgiata da tempo e ha coinvolto la cantina più unanimemente rispettata sulla scena spagnola. Con Alión, la famiglia Alvárez si è impegnata a produrre un vino della Ribera del Duero con una personalità indipendente da quella del suo marchio di punta. Un vino con una propria identità, più moderno, più vicino e...


Altri prodotti della cantina